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Pastor Michael Louri is a senior pastor of The Word of Christ Ministries - a global non-denominational Christian fellowship with the main goal to deliver the truth about the existence of life after death, heaven, hell, unaltered Gospel of Christ to the world and through the ministry of healing and deliverance to show that “Jesus is “the Resurrection, and the Life”, and anyone who believes in Him will live forever in heaven, even after dying”.
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Pastor Michael Louri (MD, PhD) can easily be called one of the most fascinating people of our time. His unique abilities have captivated thousands of people worldwide. A former military officer and air force pilot who later became a successful medical doctor, he left his rewarding military and medical career to dedicate his life to delivering the Word of God, the gospel of healing, salvation, and miracles, through the all-powerful name of Jesus Christ.
While flying black-ops recon mission over the hostile territory his fighter plane was shut down by insurgents surface-to-air missile and he crash-landed his plane deep in the mountains, behind enemy lines. Twenty seven hours later, barely alive, he was picked up by the rescue helicopter.
Surviving this accident, coma and “clinical death” was a miracle that changed the direction of his life forever. Gift of healing, deliverance from evil spirits, ability to remove curses and most important, a testimony of an eye witness of heaven and hell’s existence, these are just few of the tools that were given to Pastor Louri to deliver God’s message of love, healing, resurrection and everlasting life to thousands and thousands of hurting people around the world. Thrilling testimonies of deliverance from many kinds of diseases, sickness and spiritual oppression are following Pastor Michael Louri’s global "The Word of Christ" Ministries. Because of his healing abilities and power of God, thousands have been cured, freed from dark spells, came to repentance, changed their lives forever for the best, lives have been saved, curses broken, families reunited, meaning of life found, churches created and almighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ glorified.
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